Donald Trump with supporters at rally in Greenville, North Carolina.

Unprincipled Americans Who Still Support Donald Trump

Those who stand behind Donald Trump in 2024 are looking more ridiculous every day. A U.S. citizen who truly understands our nation’s founding values under natural law would never support any politician of this two-party tyranny, never mind Donald Trump. Where are their heads?

The Constitution and Bill of Rights were created to put chains on the government so that it does not violate our unalienable rights. The first ten amendments outline these inherent liberties that we have from birth.

Government does not give us these rights. It only exists to protect them.

However, many U.S. citizens do not understand these truths. They merely see Donald Trump as someone who is willing to fight and get things done in the name of “Make America Great Again.” They are inept to principles.

Every dictator throughout history always came across willing to get the job done and make life better for those conned into voting for them. An authoritarian leader is charismatic. They know what makes people like them, otherwise their campaign would fail. The trick works every time.

Thus, after they gain power, their true colors come out. Trump’s divisive, narcissistic character and disregard for constitutional law were seen in the beginning in 2016, which immediately turned me off to any and all support.

Saying that you want a law that would criminalize a person for burning the U.S. flag is blatantly un-American. To the simple reader, this statement is outrageous, but to one who knows the First Amendment, it is quite sound.

The Constitution protects your right to strongly criticize the government! Free speech is a cherished right recognized since the early days of 1789.

Without the ability to chastise the state––which has the power to pass laws, take your money and throw you in prison––what freedom do you really have? The United States was formed with three branches to check power via universal principles to safeguard the People’s Liberty.

In the United States, the individual is above the state. Officials work for the people in order to protect their personal liberties through just laws.

The Sociopaths Are in Power

However, when corrupt power takes hold, when rulers are full of pride, conceit and selfish interests, they become tyrants. Even worse, many of these deviant scoundrels are sociopaths––they have a pathological mental illness by lacking empathy. Nonetheless, such people are charismatic.

They know exactly how to get you hooked on them. They are pathological liars, ones who feed your emotions and desires in just the right way.

Technical terms to include are the Dark Triad, Machiavellianism, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), and of course Psychopathy. These traits exist on a continuum. One does not fully embody them.

Donald Trump’s Apparent Traits of Psychopathy

In my view, Donald Trump appears to exhibit classical traits of narcissism, or a grandiose sense of self, as well as deceptive charisma, carelessness and remorselessness. Obviously, I am not making a clinical diagnosis but sharing my opinion. We all know that Donald Trump is self-aggrandizing.

His divisive rhetoric and heartless statements have turned many off. This fact alone is enough to justify the stark detestation among so many people worldwide. He might not have so many felony indictments but for his disregard for compassion on the needy and lack of basic empathy.

Because psychopathy is not actually a mental disorder but is characterized as a set of traits, making these characterizations is only for the purpose of better understanding the psychology of Donald Trump.

I see him as a devious opportunist. Are there some policies he has proposed and advanced which I agree with? Sure. I cannot say I disagree with everything he ever stood for, but the scales of justice are unbalanced in the wrong direction. Donald Trump is not good enough for me.

I require a candidate for public office who upholds our Constitution and the principles of liberty first and foremost. I will NOT support someone who becomes friends with dictators, shows no concern for our 34 trillion dollars of national debt, and who mocks disabled persons.

People Lack Principles

What makes this situation far worse, is that people actually fall for it. The amount of U.S. citizens who voted him into office is concerning, for the reasons listed above: they lack understanding for the Constitution and our founding principles based in natural law.

They have no idea why the United States become so great, affluent and powerful as the Land of The Free. What originally made the United States “Great” was alignment with the moral code: universal principles.

These principles include:

(1) The Principle of Personal Sovereignty: The individual is in charge of himself. No one has the right to make decisions over his life by him. Government does not grant him rights or liberties externally but exists to safeguard them. The individual is autonomous and self-approving.

(2) The Principle of Self-Government: The individual has the power (or sovereignty) to rule over himself. He can develop habits and character that serves his best interest and the interest of others by obeying the Golden Rule––”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Thus, as a person exercises self-government over his life, he gains freedom and affluence. He does not require outer control from an external force (the state). He does the right thing in integrity, and harms no one.

On the contrary, if a person fails to exercise self-government, he allows the state to take his liberty from him. He forfeits his rights by succumbing to temptations and failing to exercise personal justice; he might lie, cheat or steal, which infringes on another’s liberty, and destroys his own.

(3) The Principle of Individuality: You are a unique person. Being an individual means that no one in the world is exactly like you. Your genetic makeup, personal experience and inward desires are unlike anyone on the planet who has ever existed, nor will ever exist. Therefore, you have the natural right to “be you.” Express yourself in how you please.

The First Amendment of the Constitution protects this right of free expression, which stems from your individuality as a private property. You are not a robot or machine under the control of others. You are special.

(4) The Principle of Sowing and Reaping: What goes around comes around. Whatever seeds you plant in the ground, they will eventually produce after their kind. Hence, if you do not water the seeds, if you bury them in unhealthy soil, if you allow rodents to take them, and if they do not get sunshine, these crops will fail.

Likewise, the ways you treat yourself and others around you, all have consequences in return whether good or bad. If you give to those in need, you yourself will be cared for. If you are greedy for gain and abuse others in the process, they will not have your best interests in mind. You will lack.

There are more universal principles under natural law that I could talk about, but this is enough for now. These tenets are the foundations for success in all human affairs. The United States of America was built on a firm understanding of these timeless truths, without which, would perish.

I could find reasons why every part of the Constitution reflects and derives from one of these principles above. The document is not perfect and could be improved, but it has served its purpose for almost 250 years.

Further, if one embraces these universal principles listed above, they will not tolerate a government leader seeking to usurp their own ability to exercise personal liberty and sovereignty. Real Americans of the old type do not like being told how to live their lives. They hate taxes, government debt being inflated away by a central bank, which Trump seems to care nothing about, and any sort of big government institution.

Trump did cut taxes and deregulated business to a large degree last cycle, but this was not enough. For Donald Trump to earn my support I would need to see him protect core constitutional liberties that align with the principles of self-government, individuality, etc. His agenda is more about trusting him because he allegedly knows better and will take care of you.


Donald Trump’s agenda is far removed from these ideals of natural law and the principles that construct our system of government. He only cares about himself and staying out of federal prison at this point!

The Constitution? Right. Rather, a pragmatic sense of opportunism aligns a better understanding Trump and his motives as Commander-in-Chief.

Tariffs, a border wall and mass deportation––when in fact removing the welfare state would take care of the immigrant problem––to not caring at all about our national debt, are sure signs we are on the road to a disastrous authoritarian nightmare. Not my cup of tea.


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