Christopher Nawoichik smiling with blue collared shirt and hair down.

Dishonesty and Carelessness Have Consequences

Not to be cynical, but I feel the need to express my first-hand experience reflecting on everyday affairs. As I look back at some recent jobs that I’ve held, I realize how shallow people in the real world can be.

Obviously, this is not everyone. There are plenty of good-hearted, honest individuals with impeccable character, but these people are rear.

Truth is, we live in a world where you have to fight to get what you want. There is an uphill battle against all sorts of friction, red tape and quite frankly wicked people. I don’t use these words lightly. Favoritism runs rampant.

The word “wicked” means “evil or morally wrong.” When a person falls short of the Golden Rule by slighting others or being careless, it often goes untold.

It’s morally wrong because the person is not treating others as they would have others to treat them. Life with humans is a constant exchange of energy. Motives and inner desires drive actions and decisions with each other.

Society often brushes off white lies and small uncordial remarks as nothing substantial. A little decision not to return an email or follow up like you said you would––these may seem small, but their effects are destructive.

Bottom line: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Treat people the way you want to be treated. If you say you will be somewhere, be there at the right time. If you agree to do someone a favor, do not ghost them.

In the end, all your little actions add up overtime. The course of your life will unfold based on the debts that you owe and the debits you pay forward.


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