A collage featuring icons and ideas of United States heritage, patriotism, law and entrepreneurship.

Welcome to My New Venture!

I am excited to begin this new venture. There is a lot to talk about, and my passion to fuel the Cause for Liberty and inspire others through what I have to share infuses me with hope for a better future! The United States needs leadership that stands on timeless universal principles.

We do not need politicians eager to fulfill self-gain, nor pragmatic sociopaths who know how to make people like them, when in the end they are all about themselves. No. We need servant leadership––by example.

Leadership by example, or the Latin phrase “Ductus Exemplo,” is paramount if you desire true, successful leadership with long-term approval. No one wants to be around someone who makes them feel bad about themselves, and ultimately––it’s servant leaders who gain the most respect in the end.

For example, people loved George Washington because he had a heart to fulfill the needs and desires of the newly established United States. He led the military campaign to free us from Monarch rule in England.

Washington personally had qualms with His Majesty’s troops from his days of the French and Indian War. Back in the 1750s, when commanding the Virginia Militia, he hoped to become a full-fledged officer of Great Brittain.

However, due to the politics and class warfare that existed––Washington being a Colonist––it did not happen. Historians feel that he had a kind of chip on his shoulder from experiencing the cutthroat aristocratic nature of his birth country. His leading the Continental Army to U.S. independence seemed to motivate and quelch his possible fire of resentment with the Monarchy.

Is not this an American attitude? The same fever that inspires a person to rise up from their bootstraps and look tyrannical authority in the face with rebellion, a trait of deterministic individualism that summarizes our character?

George Washington served two terms as President of the United States, after rejecting the push by some to make him King! He then was encouraged to serve a third term but turned that down too. He wasn’t perfect, but he was greatly cherished and admired by most Americans.

My Desire to Build and Share

Furthermore, this site is for the general dissemination of my thoughts, ideas and creative projects for the betterment of humanity. I truly desire to share my gifts and abilities by putting them to use in this venture.

From the media presence I am building through videos and blog articles to the likeminded people I interview or network with, the aim of ChrisNawoichik.com is to feature my true and authentic self as I strive for exceptionalism and excellence in every area of my life.


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